Standing Select Committees

There are 7 Standing Select Committees appointed for the duration of a term of Parliament to undertake various functions.

Committee of Selection

Committee of Privileges

Estimates Committee

House Committee

Public Accounts Committee

Public Petitions Committee

Standing Orders Committee

Other Select Committees

Besides the Standing Select Committees, Parliament sometimes forms ad hoc Select Committees set up on a Motion approved by the House to deal with Bills or other matters referred to it. 

Select Committees can be set up to discuss the details of a Bill which affects the everyday life of the public, such as the Goods and Services Tax Bill, Maintenance of Parents Bill and the Advance Medical Directive Bill.

Select Committees on Bills are empowered, like some Standing Select Committees, to call for witnesses and send for documents and records. The Committee may hold closed-door or public hearings and report its findings back to the House. All questions in Select Committees are decided by a majority of votes.

Under the Constitution, a Special Select Committee on Nominations for Appointment as Nominated Members of Parliament is set up to consider proposals submitted by the public as to persons who may be considered for nomination by the Committee. The Committee may nominate up to 9 persons for appointment as Nominated Members of Parliament by the President.